So let me say foremost that it was interesting that I told myself, I'm going to write this blog post while listening to Taylor Swift's fearless album. And as of now, I'm really in a bad mood. I realized that this album calms me. I fell asleep while listening to it too. (in a good way of course) So I thought, breathe would be a nice song to listen to. So I put the album on shuffle and guess what... It was nice enough to play breathe for me on the first pick. :)
Ok so from now on, it's gonna be a rant post. And it's not pretty. I can imagine eyes rolling. But well who's here anyway? That's probably why I'm still willing to type it all out here. Also cos I need to vent. It's come to the point where complaining to a webpage seems like the best choice.
So. In like 10 days or so I'm coming back to singapore. Oddly for me, although it's what I've been longing for the entire time, when I first received news, I wasn't excited at all. I honestly wasn't. And it's not because I don't love SG anymore. I really didn't understand why I wasn't excited. Completely confused. But after 2-3 days I picked myself up and said, OK, let's go plan outings because it's been so long since I've seen anyone. But I hesitate so much. Why you may ask? The answers simple. 1) I don't know how to contact anyone. 2) Has everyone gotten tired of each other? Do they no longer want to meet because it's a waste of time?
So many questions shrouded my head. I didn't know what to do. At first I thought, "What if I just invite some people then the rest are like, 'Eh you never invite me?'" Because that happened at the farewell party. And some people were sad. But in the end, I've realized this may not hold true anymore. It was utterly foolish of me to think that everyone was still the same. Things have changed more than I think they have. Everyone's moved on, except for me, and gone on with their lives. These things that once occurred are no more than memories, or they may even have been forgotten. I mean, it's true. If you didn't like it too, why would you hold on? If there are new more available and better choices, why hold on to the old ones? It's simple human nature and common sense.
The only way relationships can be established solidly is most definitely through direct physical communication. Not wanting to sound all mumbo jumbo here but it's the truth. I've learnt and observed it many a time. When online, the person can fake anything they want to. Like seriously, that's why they always joke and say
It's the truth actually. You can fabricate yourself to be anything you want. You can be the sweetest girl on the internet and the biggest bitch in real life. One could even go to the extent of making yourself who you consider your ideal self. Why? Because it's possible on the internet. So, I really don't know who to believe anymore.
Many people say things, but do they mean it is another question. In order not to 害 myself anymore, I won't state why I state this though. But I meant every word said.
I don't want to sound all self-pitying and crap while I post this here and seem like I'm fishing for cheerup shit but I want to say this. So I'm gonna put this down and say it in all honesty, no matter how much I deny this.
I honestly did that. I told myself, it's fine, I'll manage.
If you're from SG or another country other than US, you may not know this. You actually change classes so it means that instead of staying with the same bunch of people for every class, it changes constantly. And in every class there's like 20-30 people usually.
Do you know how it feels to be alone in almost every one of those classes? Well I guess then you'd say I should make an effort to make friends. Follow up question: Do you know how hard it is to make friends when you don't have anything to say to them?
"Talk about shows."
"Talk about hobbies."
"Talk about yourself/the person."
"Compliment them."
"Find similar interests."
It's easy to say. I know some of you know this... I don't/can't watch show that people do watch here. Mostly no. Why? Because I'm not allowed to.
Hobbies? Well I'm gonna say this in application to the rest of the advice given. Have you ever tried doing that? Do you know how seriously awkward is that when you ask that person that? Have you ever seen the person giving you the look when you ask stuff like that? I'm telling you, that crap only works on the first day you meet people. And newsflash: As a sophomore (2nd year), many people already have friends. Another newsflash: You do not want to be friends with some of the people there.
It's all so frustrating.
Yes maybe I'm socially awkward. Do you know how hard it is to move to a foreign land? Do you know how difficult it is to fit in? Do you know how stressful it is when people constantly stare at you even though all you're doing is walking and breathing? "Maybe they think you're pretty." To the people who say that, you're either trying to be nice and encouraging/ you've never seen me. I'm far from the definition of pretty. There are more girls that bother to dress up, more girls that bother to beautify themselves. Why stare at me? Obviously cos there's something wrong with me.
I've been depressed. Like really. Loneliness is killing me. The fact that I realized, that when I thought that psychological diseases were easy to cure and that it was just the person who rejected treatment, was wrong, I knew I understood it, for I personally went through it.
I find myself quite pathetic. I feel so overjoyed when I chat with someone and feel real happy. Should I be content? I should. But it feels pathetic. I don't know what to say anymore. It's never right.
And right now. I know how I feel.
In all due respect, I do not mean any racist comments or anything. I think it's something I read from a book about historical events. (To kill a mockingbird I think)
The kid who is half-white and half-black.
He/She is treated badly or differently by both sides. The whites dislike him because he's half black, and the blacks dislike him because he's half white. Nobody wants/likes him. He doesn't belong anywhere.
That's how I feel now. I'm forgotten or at least no longer belonging in SG, and I'm never truly belonging here either. It's true when they say family is the one that's truly there till the end.
Speaking about this, I had a panic attack last winter. What is a panic attack?
I really just told myself I'm going to die. I was so freaked out. Couldn't eat much, couldn't do much. Just fear and breathing real hard. But I didn't want to do much about it. Because it's not much. Now I just try to avoid this topic. I really don't know. See now I'm worrying, right at this very moment that I'm annoying some of you because I sound like I'm just trying to get people to worry and say like "oh you poor thing". I don't know either. What if I want you to worry? (Though I'm not. I'm sorry it's 12am, I'm not making sense)
Education here is much simpler, but admission to a college is much more difficult. I've learnt from p6 that admission is never easy. I was careless. I should've studied more. Everyone tells me I did well for PSLE. But it sure didn't feel that way. My whole class got like 250+++. I felt really inferior. I should've. I deserved it. I ended up in Anglican High. It's not bad. But you know it's not that good a school already. Because unless you're in duman, raffles or nanyang, hwachong, you're still nothing. People know the listed ones, but rarely the others. So I'm determined this time, to make a difference. But do you know how stupidly difficult it is to get into a good school? Firstly grades on a normal basis. To get a high GPA (like a point system for grades) you have to take lots of AP and Pre-AP classes. (advanced placement) And although you have to be smart to do so, it's not equal to me. It's like not equal at all. So you're ranked according to that. So you have to be top 10% to be in direct admission. I'm at the 20-22% mark. Not close enough, I'm not. My project SAT score based on my PSAT isn't enough for me to go into UT. I haven't got an ounce of community service since I got here. And telling them "I didn't know I had to do some." Isn't going to cut it. It makes you look like you're doing it for the sake of it. And the only club that I'm in now or like thing is choir and I'm in chamber which is good but still. It's only one thing. I'm stressing over this so much because my parents don't believe me when I say this process is real and it's THAT hard to get into one. Especially UT. So I really don't know what to do anymore.
Anyway, this 1 hour session of typing has led me to 12:18am now. So I'm going to head off to sleep. This is like a super calm rant haha. But still, everything I said was in all honesty and truth.
So goodnaga (if you watched spongebob's prehistoric episode haha),